The Responsive Ecologies Lab (RE/Lab) is a unique transdisciplinary collaborative research facility at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) run by directors Professors Ali Mazalek and Jason nolan. Its mission is to investigate social, cultural, educational, and design factors surrounding the emergent ‘Internet of Things’ (the interconnected technologies that surround us every day) and create novel tools and interfaces to ensure that technologies become a more meaningful and useful part of our lives. RE/Lab is dedicated to developing solutions to environmental, health, and social challenges, improving our safety and wellbeing, and our sense of connectedness to other Canadians, and creating innovative economic opportunities. RE/Lab’s engineering, architecture, design, digital media, education, and health sciences faculty work to bring environmental, social, health, economic, and educational benefits to Canadians, through projects in game-based learning, scientific discovery, the built environment, Adaptive Design, sensory technologies to improve quality of life for people with special needs, and technologies for personal health monitoring, social communication, and mobility, in collaboration with industry and niche business (Phantom Compass, Emig Acoustics, System80). The 5 year project will train over 200 undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral researchers, commercialize research and innovation, and nurture social innovation.
RE/Lab is funded by The Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University).